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Partnerships and Sponsors

DataLab partners with various external entities including: government agencies; colleges, universities and nonprofit organizations; public and private corporations; and venture firms. UC Davis affiliates should see our consulting pages for internal support opportunities.

Why Partner with DataLab?

With an eye on opportunities to collaborate and leave a meaningful, positive impact on our society, we’ll help your team leverage your data so you can uncover actionable insights and answer your organization’s critical, complex questions.

Partnership Opportunities

Collaborations can take many forms, from consulting and knowledge transfer to development of shared intellectual property (IP) and sponsored research. We also offer customized training and a talent pipeline to bolster your organization’s investment in data science.

Learn about our partnership opportunities below and contact us for more information.

Research Startup / Internship Bridge

Opportunity: Tackle your data science project through classroom-based experiential learning.
Cost: $0 for UCD academics; externals please contact us

This two-quarter experiential learning program combines specialized classroom education with active research engagement, providing a path toward internship and career opportunities with your group.

During the first quarter of the program, students receive classroom instruction in data science methods that will be relevant to solving your specific research problem or a relevant, related problem. In second quarter, students are placed in teams and work under the mentorship of our data scientists to address the problem.

Students who successfully completed both quarters of the program are then provided the opportunity to apply for a summer internship with your organization.

Targeted Training

Opportunity: Received a customized training curriculum tailored to meet your organization’s needs.
Cost: $168/hour base rate

DataLab offers a large suite of customizable data science trainings that range from introductory courses to advanced AI and machine learning, to ethics and responsible data science.

Actual Cost: After an initial meeting to discuss needs, scope of training, and logistics, DataLab will provide a firm quote for the total cost of providing the desired training based on the base recharge rate. This quote includes curriculum development and instruction time.

Research Consulting Services

Opportunity: Create licensed or jointly owned IP.
Cost: $173/hour base rate (non-protected data) and $222/hour base rate (protected data)

Actual Cost: Total costs vary based on projected scope and commitment, IP rights assignment, and a variety of other variable factors. Firm total costs, IP rights assignment, and other details pertaining to an engagement will be pre-defined as part of the engagement contract.

Proofs of Concept, Pilots and Deployments

Opportunity: Demonstrate efficacy for your initiatives.
Cost: Variable based on scope of work.

Our objective is to transfer skills and knowledge so your team can be self-sufficient.

Sponsored Research Projects

Opportunity: Partner on grant-funded research projects exploring the frontiers of computing and informatics.

Current Examples:

Talent Pipeline

Opportunity: Hire trained DataLab interns and recruit via our Data Science jobs board.