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Davis Python Users Group (DPUG)

About this Community of Practice

The Davis Python Users Group (DPUG) is a friendly users group where community members, including DataLab staff, discuss their experiences, discoveries, and questions about using Python and about research computing in general. The group is currently led by Ph.D. student Viktoria Haghani and Data Scientist Nick Ulle. The group was founded by Professor Andrew Fox.

Most DPUG meetings are informal “studio” sessions, which may begin with a short presentation (15-20 minutes) to prompt discussion. You’re encouraged to share your perspectives, bring your own questions, or just pull up a virtual seat and code along. Studio meetings are generally hybrid meetings (in-person and over Zoom) and do not require registration in advance. Zoom links for studio meetings are sent out to the mailing list a few days in advance.

We also occasionally host special events and formal workshop sessions where one or more instructors teach a topic to a wider audience. Special events and workshops usually do require registration in advance.

Upcoming Events

This group meets every other week. Zoom links are sent out to the mailing list and Slack channel. Next meeting:

View full Python Users Group calendar

Winter 2025 Schedule

This quarter the group meets 3-4pm every other Tuesday, in Physical & Data Sciences Building 1019.

DateTopicDiscussion Leader
Jan 14Start of Quarter IntroductionsNick Ulle, Viki Haghani
Jan 28Coding Style & Best PracticesCameron Riddell
Feb 11Building Dynamic Web Sites in Python with flask and jinja2Titus Brown
Feb 25SnakemakeViki Haghani
Mar 11From Pandas to PolarsNick Ulle

We typically end the quarter with Python in Practice: 5-minute lightning presentations from DPUG members about how they’re using or plan to use Python.

Slack Channel

DPUG has a public channel, #python-users-group, on the UC Davis Slack.

Mailing List

You can add and manage your subscriptions via the Sympa mailing list manager or by sending an email using the instructions below.

How to Subscribe

To subscribe to the DPUG mailing list, send an email to with the subject line:

subscribe python-users-group firstname lastname

Replace firstname and lastname with your actual first and last name.

How to Unsubscribe

To unsubscribe, send an email to with the subject line:

signoff python-users-group

Replace with your actual email).

Mailing List Help


DPUG is open to anyone in the Davis community interested in Python for research, other professional work, or as a hobby (for homework help please go to your instructor/TA).